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to introduce you to your menstrual cycle, its four hormonal phases, the corresponding inner seasons, and how to live in harmony with them.


What you’ll discover with this guide:

  • A comprehensive introduction to the menstrual cycle and its four phases (follicular, ovulation, luteal, menstrual)
  • Insight into the inner seasons and the archetypes associated with each phase
  • An overview of the hormones and key events throughout your cycle
  • How to track your cycle and connect with each phase
  • A printable cycle tracker to help you monitor your cycle
  • An in-depth understanding of the four phases and how to align your lifestyle, nutrition, and exercise with each
  • Ritual practices and journaling prompts for every phase, offering space for reflection and self-connection
  • Guidance on how to intuitively live in harmony with your unique cycle

Inner Seasons Cycle Guide

33,00 €Prix fait avec amour ©2024 par Élaé Noël

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