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Pratique de la méditation Vipassana

In Harmony with Nature

Welcome to this sanctuary,

This is a safe space for you to move through your healing journey. I am here to guide you gently and compassionately home to a place of wholeness. From head we surrender to heart and body — listening deeply, feeling fully, and remembering all that you are. 

I am here to remind you of your light.

My name is Élaé, and I am a naturopath trained in functional imbalances, nutrition, aromatherapy, herbal medicine, sophrology, reflexology, micronutrition, and herbalism. I specialize in women’s well-being, focusing on endometriosis, the menstrual cycle, PMS, PCOS, fertility, and peri/menopause.

My approach is inspired by the ancient wisdom of plants, Ayurvedic herbalism, and the natural cycles of life. Every herb, ritual, and piece of advice is carefully tailored to your unique story and needs. My practice is not merely the result of certifications or diplomas; it is guided by nature itself, countless hours of study and observation, a personal journey, and a unique blend of expertise.

I am here to support your own path toward body sovereignty and personal independence. Well-being is not always a straightforward journey, which is why I offer a range of services to support every step: mind, body, and soul.


In India, people speak of ‘dharma,’ a sacred mission that gives meaning to our existence in this world, in this body, during this life. My Dharma is to serve you by guiding you. I work in alignment with nature, the seasons, your constitution, and your specific needs. The process of healing is not merely used as a remedy to eliminate symptoms but to bring you back to your origin, your true nature, and thus contribute to the evolution of humanity as a whole.

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“Every woman who heals herself, helps heal all the women who came before her, and all those that come after her.”

Christiane Northrup

The Role of a Naturopath Specializing in Fertility and Hormonal Balance


As a naturopath specializing in fertility, my role is to explore with you the root causes of difficulties in conceiving. Together, we implement lifestyle habits tailored to restore your physiological balance and promote optimal fertility.

I also support you throughout an assisted reproductive technology (ART) journey, preparing your body to maximize your chances of success. This includes boosting essential vitamin and micronutrient reserves, improving egg quality, and optimizing endometrial receptivity—all crucial aspects for a successful outcome.

Hormonal Balance

My expertise includes addressing hormonal imbalances such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis. If you are experiencing issues like PMS, chronic fatigue, irregular ovulatory cycles, amenorrhea, or acne, I help you understand these signals and work towards rebalancing your body. My holistic approach aims to restore harmony and help you lead a more serene life, free from the discomfort associated with these conditions.

Complementarity with Conventional Medicine

Naturopathy does not replace medical care but integrates seamlessly as a complement. My goal is to provide comprehensive and personalized support in harmony with the recommendations of your medical journey.

I do not diagnose or treat medical conditions. My advice is designed to improve your well-being and vitality and does not substitute for medical opinions, clinical exams, or ongoing treatments.


My trainings
These trainings are enriched daily by readings, conferences, videos, and various research that allow me to evolve my thinking and challenge my practice.


𓆸 ADNR, in Paris — 2023 (3 years / 1200h) — School accredited by the Syndicate of Naturopathy Professionals

𓁿 Naturopath

Skills in Anatomy, Naturopathy, Nutrition, Micronutrition, Phytotherapy, Elixirs, and Aromatherapy.

𓁿 Practitioner in Chinese Energy Reflexology

𓁿 Technician in Sophro-relaxology


Since my certification, I have continued to train regularly in Nutrition and Micronutrition. It is well-known that health starts in the kitchen… I make it a priority to update my knowledge every year and dedicate part of my revenue to further training.

𓆸 Center for Women’s Naturopathy — 2024 (6 months)

Deepening knowledge of women’s health issues, from hormonal balance to chronic problems related to lifestyle.

𓆸 DMF Training — 2025

𓁿 Hormono Pratik, by Guénaëlle Abéguilé

𓆸 Fertility Training Institute — 2024/25

𓁿 Endometriosis and PMS: Micronutritional Approach, by Guénaëlle Abéguilé

𓁿 PCOS: Micronutritional Approach, by Guénaëlle Abéguilé

𓁿 Optimizing Health and Fertility through Diet, by Guénaëlle Abéguilé

𓁿 UPCOMING: Female Fertility Physiology and Cycle Observation, by Marion Vallet

𓆸 CFNA — 2024

𓁿 Women’s Nutritherapy, by Dr. Jean-Paul Curtay




𓆸 Herbal Academy — 2024 (6 months)

Herbalism course — the study of plant-based preparations, the immune, respiratory, skin, and nervous systems, and therapeutic plants.




𓆸 Sivananda Institute for Health Research Society, India — 2023 (2 months)

Certified in an intensive residential Ayurveda course, mastering the fundamentals of Ayurvedic theory, medicinal treatments, and massage, as well as the basics of nutrition, thus contributing to improving physical, mental, and emotional health.



𓆸 300 hours Yin & Vinyasa — Trimurti Yoga, India — 2023

𓆸 Restorative — Bliss Baby Yoga, online — 2023

𓆸 50 hours Endometriosis Yoga Flow — Aurélie Maire, online — 2022

𓆸 200 hours Hatha — Yoga School Institute, Costa Rica — 2021

All courses are certified by Yoga Alliance.



𓆸 Ecoversity — 2022 (6 months)


Would you like to better understand your health constitution and receive support throughout your journey? made with love ©2024 by Élaé Noël

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